Ankit Ranjan

Dr. Ankit Ranjan Specialist Neonatologist

Years of Experience : 6

Nationality : India

Languages Known : English, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi

Education & Training: MBBS, MD Pediatrics, DM Neonatology

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Dr. Ankit Ranjan is a Specialist Neonatologist at Medeor Hospital in Dubai. He holds a DM degree in Neonatology from the esteemed Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India. Dr. Ranjan earned Honors in MBBS in 2012 and completed his MD in Pediatrics in 2017 from a renowned institute in Mumbai, India. With over six years of experience managing neonatal and pediatric cases at tertiary care centers across India, Dr. Ranjan also holds a Postgraduate degree in Pediatric Nutrition (PGPN) from Boston University School of Medicine, USA. Dr. Ranjan is certified under the IAP-NNF Neonatal Resuscitation Program and serves as faculty for trainee doctors. He has earned certifications in Point of Care Ultrasound from the Sonographic Clinical Assessment of the Newborn (SCAN) Program at the University of Calgary, Canada, and in the Point of Care Quality Improvement Course accredited by the World Health Organization. Dr. Ranjan is passionate about academics, with multiple scientific papers published in reputed indexed journals. He also serves as a faculty member for the Indian Academy of Pediatrics Neonatology Fellowship program.

Research & Publications

  • Small Bowel GIST in Neurofibromatosis Patient
  • Rectus Sheath Endometrioma
  • Pseudocolonic Obstruction in a Hypothyroid Patient


  • Antenatal High-Risk Counseling and Delivery Planning
  • Extreme Preterm, Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW), and Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) Newborn Care
  • Non-invasive Ventilation: HHHFNC, CPAP, NIPPV, and NHFOV
  • Invasive Ventilation: Volume-Targeted and Pressure-Controlled Modes with High-Frequency Ventilation
  • Minimally Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA)
  • Developmentally Supportive Care: Pain Management and Kangaroo Care
  • Sick Term Newborn Care: Perinatal Asphyxia, Sepsis, Hyperbilirubinemia, Meconium Aspiration Syndrome, Etc.
  • Neonatal Functional Echocardiography and Point-Of-Care Cranial and Lung Ultrasound
  • Neonatal Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition
  • Well-Baby Monitoring and Care
  • Common Outpatient Issues: Rash, Colic, Feeding Counseling
  • Antibiotic Stewardship and Evidence-Based Care
  • High-Risk Newborn Follow-up and Neurological Assessment
  • Quality Improvement Initiatives: Sepsis Control, NICU Safety
  • Healthcare Professional Training for Nurses and Doctors


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